Monday, October 10, 2011

Cream Puff City

I already told you about Leigh and Dan's wedding over the weekend. What I haven't mentioned yet is that we were also in Gramaland for the rest of the time. It was a very quick weekend trip but we did pack a lot in. Angela had skin cancer removed a few weeks back and every single time I spoke to her she told me "I look hideous". Fred wanted to see his Mom and we were bracing ourselves for her description of how bad she looked after the surgery.What we actually saw was just a tiny bit different. NO ONE would ever know she even had surgery. She looks beautiful (and she IS beautiful inside and out) and is just the same as ever. I yelled at her a little for fibbing about how hideous she looked but was so grateful she has recovered so beautifully. (Seriously I have had worse acne!)

Dave, Phil and Freddy

Needless to say, the kids were in heaven getting to spend some time with Gram and Grampa, and their cousins next door. When we got back to the gym tonight Andrew and Fred both commented the workout was harder after visiting "Cream Puff City". Angela makes unbelievable cream puffs topped with fudge, (I prefer her Napoleons- and there were plenty on hand). You cannot go to Angela and Phils and leave hungry. Its simply impossible. She feeds people from the moment they walk through the door, til the moment they leave. My kids always look a bit rounder after a few days at Grams.
Sophie getting used to being stuffed
JP, Stevie, Pete and Michael B

Nikki with her girls

I guess I should be honest tonight and give you a fitness update. Its been 2 weeks since I last checked in and 4 weeks into my 6 weeks program. I am running 3 miles a night and have lost another 3 pounds for a total of 8! Yippee! Only 2 weeks to go and then it will no longer be any of your business what I weigh! I was really nervous about getting onto the scale tonight (I only weigh myself once a week) after a dinner out for Fred's birthday , and 2 weddings, and a trip to cream puff city, I was pretty sure I would see the numbers creeping up. I was absolutely delighted they are still headed down. (I did thoroughly enjoy myself, but I just didn't over do it.)

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