Sunday, October 2, 2011


It is cold outside here today! I mean jacket and sweater cold. I mean socks and shoes cold.I mean turtle-neck cold.It has also been unusually rainy for days on end, which is getting old. It is almost time for me to put away my sandals, and that is not fun. I wear sandals as long as I can possibly wear them. (I did wear them today but it was tempting to put shoes on!).

Thankfully, last week I did the old clothes switcheroo. That is a whole lot of work in my house. I always expect it will get easier, but so far it only gets harder. Eventually it will have to. I don't have to take out coats yet, but that brings up a few new bins when I do. The worst part of Winter clothes is that they take up more space. I cannot stand crowded spaces and Winter has a crowded feel. I like the cold, but I want breathing room at the same time. My kids have been riding their bikes all over our yard the last few weeks and I know that will soon come to an end as well. Gradually all activity will move indoors. Which is OK for a while. Like say until after Christmas break. Then, it gets ugly. Fred assures me that Fall will return next week and cooler 
( not warm) weather with it. Pretty colors, brisk walks, soups and stews. I hope he is right!

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