Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Worst Hurricane Ever

I am sure if you were a historian reading the title of my post, you'd think I meant that the effects of Hurricane Irene were simply devastating. Nope. That is not what I meant at all. This Hurricane stinks, stank,stunk because it wasn't really a hurricane at all. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking for a category five, or even a category 3, but we have barely had a drizzle here and all the news reporters are showing film of bird baths and trying to make it seem like there has been major destruction. It has pretty much been a non-event from all I can tell. (I know there are outages, but that happens in my town regularly anyway, so it is a simple fact of life). 

Anywho...we're safe and sound here in Maryland. Hope you are all too!

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