Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tea Time

Fred and I are starting a new cold weather event. Both last Sunday and this Sunday we've done an official tea time on Sunday night. We do tea parties pretty regularly as I really like tea and so do the kids. I might as well just make a pot. All the kids love to pick out one of my nice tea cups and drink from it. I have a pretty big collection now and I love watching them be used. I can't stand pretty things that simply sit on the shelf- they were made for a purpose.

Anyway, we set up the whole table with our best 'stuff' along with pretty cookies in a whole assortment so there is plenty to pick from, and once everyone has been poured a cup, we begin reading Fairy Tales. Fred reads one, I read the other. Tonight was The Pied Piper and The Swineherd.

Both times it settled the kids down so nicely before bed and the beginning of another busy week. It was really good family time too. I think we might just hold onto this one. Hope you all had a good weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. What a great tradition! Your kids will remember this for sure. You know, my mom and dad have had "afternoon tea" every single day they've been married (so far as I know). It's not a big deal: Dad makes the tea (exactly the way Mom likes it) and serves it to her with a few cookies. It's a sweet ritual (and if anyone else is around and wants a cup, Dad is happy to oblige).
