Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who Runs With You?

Tonight Fred took me out for a few blissful moments to get a pedicure! First one of the season. I am hoping to have many more. Afterwards we stopped for a dessert and coffee at Applebees. ( Small helpful side note for all spelling challenged folks out there: As a kid when I would write the word dessert I wondered if I spelled it correctly or just referenced the hot sand. My sister Nancy gave me the great tip that since  everyone wants two desserts, the word has an extra 's' to stand in the place of the extra sweet. I have never forgotten since!)

Anyhow, when we got home we went for our nightly run. Only it was too late to run on the treadmills ( did I mention I hate treadmills?) so Fred joined me on the indoor track. We ran together. When we got about a mile into it I began to give him a mental tour of where I was. First I noted I was in the Sahara Desert  as we pass a huge machine that blows ridiculously hot air out on you for about 2 seconds on the track (note the one 's'  in desert. See, I told you I know the difference). I always want to quit at this point. So I told Freddy, "Okay, I'm going to finish this lap and then I'll walk" and Fred mumbled "OK" and we kept going. When we got a little bit further I told him I was currently talking with our friend Dan. Fred answered "you are?" and I said "Yup, can't you hear him encouraging me and telling me I'm doing fine?" and after a minute he did hear Dan too and we both ran a little further. The next lap I found my new friend Steve running along side me. He started telling me the benefits of running, especially for my heart and lungs. He told me to remember how much it would be worth it to put the time in now. Fred found this funny, that I would mentally talk to people who inspire me or give me strength but he wanted me to keep telling him 'where I was at'  so I did. Wouldn't you know Karen showed her face next! Just when I was really discouraged and thinking I couldn't make it one step further a big 'sure you can smile' came along.

I could hardly believe when I rounded the next bend to see Elizabeth and Christine and Paul and Marijanna and Mary Anne and Surretha. Wow! They all came out  here to keep me going?What wonderful friends. Fred cannot believe what an enormous amount of support I have. No wonder I don't like the treadmill. No one could possibly fit in that tiny room upstairs!  As we began our last lap Fred admitted to me he runs with someone else too. He wanted me to guess who it was. Fred's running partner is his Pepere. He died a few short years ago and has been missed a good deal- but not when Fred runs. When Fred runs, he's right there beside him for a few wonderful minutes, coaching him, believing in him, telling him to go faster.

We left the field house smiling Fred slinging his arm across my shoulder. "No wonder you like to run in here" he remarked. I laughed and told him in my serious voice I was thinking of soon quitting. When he asked why I  told him it was a good place, but it is always so crowded!

1 comment:

  1. Boy was it nice to get some excersize! Please keep coming, I'd miss you so! ;) (Besides... it's the only workout I get nowadays!)
