Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flash Floods

We have been in the midst of an amazing amount of rain all afternoon.Just scoped out the neighborhood to see how bad all the flooding was. Our own yard was in bad shape, but WOW, driving around town let me know we were lucky!

I have a few shots I'll share of several different areas. Before you even ask, no we didn't drive through any puddles or any dangerous areas. We stayed safe and on clear roads and merely shot photos where ever we needed to detour. (We were forced to go out for the dreaded diapers!)
I would not advise going out if you don't absolutely need to! Apparently it's going to keep up for a while.

Hope you all stayed safe! Its definitely time for a warm fire and some hot cocoa to get rid of this chill.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up here... hope things are nice and dry by now. Wonder how my old friends at Harpers Ferry made out? Doesn't take much to turn that town into a lake.
