Friday, April 8, 2011

Knock, Knock

One of the strangest parts of parenting is trying to teach children a little bit about humor. As far as I know only higher beings can appreciate humor. That would mean humans, angels, devils, and God- though I don't think demons can enjoy humor, any more then they can enjoy, lets say- meatloaf.Hell is without pleasure. Wow, I have actually have never made that connection before. One more reason to try for heaven, I'd absolutely hate to be without meatloaf for an eternity. Or chocolate pudding for that matter. Talk about torture.

In our house, only one of our offspring have been naturally funny (John-Paul) he picks up subtle cues in language, reads funny stories, and comments on life in a light and humorous sort of way. NOT the others. Fred and I find this utterly painful. For years we were subject to Andrew and Peter trying to make up a joke  and failing. We just couldn't seem to transmit the humor gene to our children in a meaningful way. As teenagers it leveled out a bit and now they 'get' most jokes but still can't deliver one very well.

We know when humor should at least begin to kick in, it just never does. It should start with the knock, knock joke and grow from their- right? Somewhere between 2 and 3 years of age a child knows enough language to attempt a knock, knock joke. They can repeat the words, and wait for the response, then deliver the punch line on time. This should leave everyone in the room laughing and give them the general idea of joke telling and humor. Not  around here. Case in point Sarah Anne.

Sarah is 2 and a half. She speaks quite well and quite often.In fact she never shuts up. Morning, noon, and night she jibber jabbers. She is normal in every discernible way. She loves dresses and dollies with the best of them,is right on target for her age group in height and weight, and pretty much status quo as far as we can tell. Tonight I heard Fred trying to teach her a knock, knock joke. Lets listen in to how it went, shall we?

Fred: OK Sarah go ahead and give it a try!

Sarah ( giggling): "Knock, Knock."

Fred: "Who's There?"

Sarah :Come in!

Fred : "No-No-No- Its not come in- it's Sarah!"

Sarah: "No Its NOT! I'm SARAH!"

Fred: (sigh- frustrated) "No... It's supposed to be Sarah."

Sarah : "Dad, YOU'RE NOT SARAH! I'M SARAH!!!"

Fred: "No Sarah, you're supposed to say 'Sarah's there'."

Sarah: "No,I'm not there Dad. I'm right heeeerrreeee!"

Fred: Forget it.Time for bed.

( commence the wailing and gnashing of teeth )

Frankly, I don't know why he even bothers. I'll leave you with a few favorites we could never get the kids to  chuckle over. 

Knock, Knock! 
Who's there? 
Interrupting cow! 

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Venice who?
Venice this door gonna open?

Knock, Knock!funny jokes - animated gif shepherd
Who's there?
Delores who?
Delores my shepherd.

( and last but not least)

Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Thermos who?
Thermos be a better knock-knock joke than this.

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