Monday, February 21, 2011

I Do This Every February

Tomorrow's forecast: SNOW

My year starts out in September- I know, I know, all of you are sitting there correcting me for saying the beginning of the year is September instead of January, but its true at least for me. I have always felt that the year was begun in September when all the new stuff for school and life cannot be put off any longer for  swimming, sunning, and summer vacations. It 'feels ' like the start and so I have always considered it to be so.

What is more interesting and quirky is that I am still willing to admit that the year ends in December. At least that’s when my steam begins to run out and the rest of the work is done on sheer will power (which I am in no short supply of- thank goodness.)

So, I love the fall. It’s my favorite time of year. Leaves dancing, great vibrant colors, sweaters and fires that make the heart  and home feel just swell. Yes there is work in starting school but that work seems good. It comes after a long rest and plenty of reflection, and time enough to be bored. It is a welcome change to work in the fall after the wonderful summer of life.

By the time the winter arrives we are in the throes of holidays and Christmas time. It is easy to make way for that season. But somewhere after Christmas and New Years when the snow keeps coming and the school work does too, and waking up in the dark loses its thrill; The rest of that time between January and May I sort of block out and just 'deal with' til I get back to the good stuff.

And then it happens.It happens to me every February. One blissfully sunny day, or, better still,a few in a row where the sunshine absolutely soaks into every pore and reminds you of what’s just around the corner. I know we call that sweet break in the fall Indian summer, but what about the annual dupe that occurs every spring?It's a big weather con game and nobody has named that yet. Why not? (Maybe as a matching counterpart we could call it Indian-giver Spring?)

Terribly cruel trick in my opinion. It gives us a taste that turns out  after all to be just a tease .

Fred has noticed  something perculiar in my behavior for an otherwise rational human (ahem, give me a break - most days I am somewhat rational!) He says one day I simply announce “OK – winter is over” next thing he knows all the winter apparel and gear disappears. He cannot believe I actually go through with it  year after year.

"Just because you say so, doesn’t make it so.” He has told me on more than one occasion.Perhaps he's right but denial can be a powerful tool in my mental arsenal.

So yes, I have  put away my coat already. And NO, I won’t be taking it back out.

I would rather be cold and hopeful then pretend the temperature outside last week didn’t reach 70 degrees.
I refuse to look at the weather gods and declare
“OK you got me- again. That was a good one!”
hardy- har- har.

(Like H-E-double hockey sticks!)

So instead I do my best to infuriate them by acting as if spring is already here. “Look at that fool” they must be shouting from the clouds. And I go about my business with no more than a wrap or sweater on my shoulders. If I am really feeling bold and angry, I’ll break out my Birkenstocks.

I do get quite a few people who ask me if I am cold which only makes me happier as I reply “NO, I am just getting ready for Spring!” knowing Zeus or Apollo are  up there somewhere sneering.

I am toying with the idea  of starting a petition to end winter early next year. I bet a lot of people would sign it. Who knows maybe the only thing standing between me and an earlier spring is a quorum. I’m willing to give it a try. How bout you?


  1. Hahahah LOVED that Ellie. Today I bought some summer annuals...just had to fill that empty pot. Stephen says I do it every year and get sad when they don't make it to March. Today I totally don't ever remember that happening!!! Love that you are writing..absolutly love it (and youxoxo) Tammy AKA Ymmat

  2. Ellie, it was 80 degrees here today. It has been rather lovely for a few days in a row, and I brought out some warm weather clothes. I am just afraid that more cold will come around the corner. Unlike you, I am not brave enough to put that coat away. I freeze waaaay too easily. I will fight it as best I can. I have a new white shirt that I was saving for the summer, but I am dying to be bold and put it on. ;) Enjoy the sun.... and the snow if it comes.
