Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving in the twilight zone

Dear Peter,

Knowing how you love spending Thanksgiving with the crew, and seeing that you couldn't be here this year, I thought you'd particularly appreciate the blog post.Being with family is such a comforting thought at the holidays so I'll do my best to make you feel like you're right here with us!

I'd like to tell you our trip started uneventfully- alas, that isn't true. We were scheduled to leave early Tuesday morning and Dad was really looking forward to a short break from work this year. Sunday, we got a call from Andy saying his roof blew off his house in the storm. Wondering if he was exaggerating, Dad headed over to find Andy and Rachel's kitchen roof in their yard. We went Amish style and called in  all of our manpower  ( there are a lot of advantages to having 7 sons) to get it mostly put back together by Tuesday evening. (You can imagine Grams reaction that Andrew might not be able to make it.)

As Dad  was pulling out of the driveway, Matt mentioned that Rachel couldn't get the furnace started.

We left anyway.

5 hours and 16-calls-about-furnace-repairs-and-you-tube-videos-from-Andy  later we arrived in Gramaland ( cue the Twilightzone music) slightly behind schedule, but still here. Grama and Grampa greeted us at the door just before midnight. Gramps entire head is bandaged up. I gasped. "Phil what happened?" thinking he must have fallen just before we arrived.  "Oh, that's nothing. Its just some cancer." Fred came up behind me. "Oh my gosh dad, what happened?" This time Gram chimed in "Oh, didn't we tell you? Phil had a melanoma removed last week."

No, no, you didn't tell us.
No mention whatsoever.
We had no idea Headwound Harry would be hosting us for Thanksgiving.

After putting all the kids to bed, we collapsed.

This morning Dad awoke to 23 offers of coffee and the various ways he could enjoy it ( black, cream, sugar, just cream,real, decaf, half caf, Jamaican, dark roast, milk, non-dairy creamer, splenda).
When I walked downstairs Gram pointed at the coffee pot and said "Help yourself ". You know the drill- Boys Rule, Girls Drool in Gramaland.

Meanwhile, next door, Uncle Dave  woke during the night to find his entire electrical service is out. I mean O-U-T. Dave spent the day getting parts to fix the lines and making phone calls to  restore power. Hopefully, the power will be back on by tonight. Michael arrived from school this morning and so he Stephen and the pack of boys are currently roaming the neighborhood, in cars now though.The little girls have been riding bikes and eating cream puffs all day.

Andrew finally fixed his  furnace and he and Rachel are on their way. Gram is relieved Thanksgiving can proceed now that Andy will actually be in attendance.

I was glad we got to facetime with you for a bit. Gram was lamenting you  not being here so we prayed the family rosary.

The power is still not on next door, so we all had mince and rice for dinner (Diane arrived from work and was offered eggs). Dave decided to fire up his generator since the power company is delayed. Unfortunately, the generator wouldn't start. Dads heading over now to take a look-see.

No political fireworks yet as we all voted on the same team here. Friday could be interesting with the arrival of the left wing of the Legare clan. (I personally  have never witnessed these political fights I've heard tale of in the past. Maybe this year will be different). Dad suggested that just in case tensions run high, we should consider filling a pinata in the form of DJT -with  cream-puffs. He's unsure if Gram will let us.

The carburetor on Daves generator is busted. Grampas generator has been transferred next door. Diane is making pies over there and walkIng them over  here to bake for her trip to Theresa's tomorrow. Dads threatening to eat them. Andy and Rachel arrived close to midnight and were promptly given napoleons.

 The power is still not on next door. They may be wearing coats to bed.

To be continued in the a.m...

This morning Dad went to Dunkin' Donuts to avoid the hysteria of coffee choices. The power company finally restored the electricity next door around 10am. The turkey is being stuffed and I'm being peppered with questions about cooking temperasure for the size the bird-I have zero answers. I'm watching March of the Wooden Soldiers instead.

By mid-afternoon we did our traditional Thanksgiving walk thru the graveyard. I'm not sure how this became a tradition, to walk through the graveyard, but we did. Naturally I asked if we should pray for the dead to gain an indulgence for them, but John-Paul pointed out it was a Christian cemetery not Catholic, so these souls wouldn't go to purgatory. after some hesitation we said the prayers anyway-just in case.

Dinner is just about underway now, and the house smells incredible. Gram is in the kitchen saying she destroyed the turkey (she didn't) because she cooked it upside down. Grampa is insisting it's because she's rushed it. No one else cares. 

Your little brothers are out in the cow pasture as I write, trying to muster the courage to approach the bulls. They won't go out there at night as Gramps scared them to death about coyotes. 

The others will be back later tonight after dinner, Nikki will be back with them. We miss you and wish you were here! Thank you for your sacrifices for our great nation. we truly are blessed and most thankful.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me want to have ten kids like you. I hope my family is half as beautiful as yours when my boys grow up!
