Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The mythical Christmas Eve

I know for most of you Christmas Eve is a time of advanced celebration, party going, goodwill and cheer, and peace to all mankind. It's not like that for Fred and I, it hasn't been, and I don't think it will be for many, many years... if ever.
decorating the church this morning

Christmas Eve for us, is one giant blur- and then it's Christmas morning and we are opening presents at 5 am with our eyeballs artificially held open through large amounts of caffeine.

Let me be clear, it does not matter how much prep work we do ahead of time, we wont have an extra moment  by the time the day gets here. I have the prep thing, pretty much, down to a science. Shopping done well in advance, Christmas cards mailed, packages sent, wrapping done ( ahem) at least a few days in advance, baking and cooking completed yesterday. But while I do those things in the hopes of attaining that mythical Christmas Eve bliss, it never pans out that way.

Inevitably someone will not be able to find dress shoes- even if he just wore them 2 days ago- and was told when he got home to put them directly in his closet- and so "he" has to be a wise men in sneakers instead. Which at this stage of the game doesn't even phase me because I actually planned to put 2 of the three girls in ballet slippers  ( the flimsy kind that aren't real shoes, in case you're wondering) with their  beautiful dresses, since black shoes that fit them all and remain findable is never-gonna-happen in this house.  And the car will be on empty when we are getting into it. And someone else will have work that allows them to sneak into the pew, just in the nick of time for mass.

 And even when the dinner is mostly finished, it still takes both Fred and I  plenty of time to get it into the pretty dishes, and onto the table for the crowd.I am currently waiting for the sugarplums to begin dancing in the next room.Naturally we read Twas the Night before Christmas. It may take a loooonnnggg while, as Sophia fell asleep promptly after performing her role as a sheep and didn't wake up til the end of mass. But the energy in the house is indescribable. And no matter that it is all a blur, it is a wonderful blur of happiness, family, food, salvation, and joy.

The mighty babe arrives.
He comes.
Ready or not.
Merry Christmas!

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