In Italy, sometimes you actually have to pay money to use the restroom. This is not like at a store, where you might be loitering (think starbucks). Public bathrooms cost you about a buck to use. You also don't know what you'll find when you go in. I don't necessarily mean dirtiness or filth, I mean maybe they won't have a lid or seat at all. Some bathrooms don't have even a toilet and instead a porcelain hole in the floor (which I promptly left so I wouldn't have to figure out how it was used). The toilet is seperated by another door for the sink, so the whole process is a bit disorienting. Mainly I have found I think far too much about restrooms since I've been here, and have had to plan my days around my best chances at a respectable one.
Since I didn't want to post anything gross, I decided instead to take pictures of the handles or flushing device on each one. You see, none are the same. You basically have to do a where's Waldo to figure out how to flush the toilet in every restroom. Sometimes its a button on a wall, sometimes its a lever on top, other times you push at something at the floor (this goes for sinks too-it can take 2 minutes to get a sink to actually work), still other times its a panel not connected to the toilet or tank. I will be grateful for an American bathroom when we get home. Let me prove it:
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